2020 Virtual Annual Membership Meeting Materials
Shredder and Smelter Furnace Dangers, Bernard Stienberg, Charleston Steel & Metal, and Christian Fisher, Area Manager, Commercial Metals Company
Guide to Creating a Fire Prevention and Management Plan, ISRI
Annual Fire Management Plan Review
Monthly Fire and Housekeeping Checklist
Inbound Control Plan for Fire Prevention
Typical Ignition Sources Checklist
Dealing with COVID-19 in the Workplace, Tony Smith, Director, Safety Outreach, ISRI
SC Recycling Market Directory, Anna DeLage, Manager, Recycling Market Development, SC Department of Commerce
The Benefits of Increased Household Recycling, Joseph Von Nessen, PhD, USC
Other SC Department of Commerce Resources
US Scrap Markets Search for the New Normal, Blake Hurtik, Editor, Argus Metal Prices
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Marvin Finkelstein, Southeast Chapter, ISRI, and Barry Wolff, Charleston Steel and Metal
ISRI Membership Townhall Presentation
Thank you to our sponsors!